Prof. Dr. Siegfried Fina  

Doctoral Program



Professor Fina serves as a supervisor for the Vienna Law School's doctoral program. His doctoral students work on several research projects in different fields of European and international business and technology law, many of them with an emphasis on the Transatlantic Marketplace. Selected doctoral students participate in the International TTLF Fellowship Program and serve as TTLF Fellows of the Stanford-Vienna Transatlantic Technology Law Forum. They do their comparative EU-U.S. tech law-related research work at the Vienna Law School and Stanford Law School. The working language of his doctoral student group is English. The doctoral thesis is written in English.

Applications for a position as a doctoral student in Professor Fina's doctoral student group are welcome. However, applications for the Vienna Law School's doctoral program are very selective and highly competitive. Usually, Professor Fina's doctoral students have already earned a relevant specialty certificate during their first law degree studies or a relevant LLM degree in addition to their first law degree.