16. - 17. Juni 2025
Conference on "Legal Arbitrage in Corporate Finance" from June 16-17th, 2025
The Centre for Comparative Corporate Finance Law (C³FL) cordially invites you to the conference on “Legal Arbitrage in Corporate Finance”.
The main objective of this conference is to investigate the scope of legal arbitrage in the field of corporate finance. For that purpose, attention shall be drawn to regulatory differentials of mandatory rules, default and altering rules of corporate finance law on its various doctrinal levels such as contract law, property law and security interest law, capital markets law as well as insolvency law and restructuring law. That sets the stage for a revitalized policy discussion of those rules, while also putting into question the conflict of laws rules governing individual corporate finance arbitrage choices.
Further information and the program will be available soon.
Jour Fixe
Am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Thomale findet in regelmäßigem Abstand ein Jour Fixe zum informellen wissenschaftlichen Austausch statt. An jedem Termin wird ein wissenschaftliches Thema in einem kurzen Vortrag kritisch behandelt und anschließend in der Gruppe diskutiert.
Aktueller Termin: