Prof. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Chris Thomale
030635 KU European Capital Markets Law
ECTS: 3.00
SWS: 2.00
Maximum number of participants 40
Status: Enabled
Registration from:
Tu 31.03.2020 00:01 to Tu 28.04.2020 23:59
Deregistration until:
Mo 04.05.2020 23:59
Aims, contents and method of the course:
In our lecture, we will develop a systematic perspective on the core of EU securities and financial markets regulation. Specific attention will be given to the economic backgrounds of financial markets while casually referring to US Securities regulation for comparative purposes as well.
The class will be taught socratically. Vivid participation is strongly encouraged, which is why a very high command of English as a native or deeply studied and effortlessly spoken foreign language is required.
Examination and participation.
Participants will be examined based, at an equal percentage, on (1) a short paper presentation and (2) overall oral participation in class.
Persistent participation in each class is required in order to pass.
Examination topics:
Further references will be given in class.
Reading list:
Rüdiger VEIL - European Capital Markets Law