Univ. Ass. (prae doc) Stephan Franz Schmid, LL.M. (WU), B. Sc. (WU)
Univ. Ass. (prae doc) Stephan Franz Schmid, LL.M. (WU), B. Sc. (WU)
Member of Centre for Comparative Corporate Finance Law C³FL
Schottenbastei 10-16
1010 Wien
T: +43 1 4277-35274
E-Mail: stephan.franz.schmid@univie.ac.at
Social Media: LinkedIn
Publications: see below and U:Cris / orcid.org
Room 326
Curriculum vitae
Work experience
- Since 2022: University Assistant (prae-doc) at the Department of Commercial and Business Law (University of Vienna)
- Legal Trainee at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
- Legal Trainee at Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwälte LLP & Co KG
- Student Assistent at the Department of Commercial and Business Law (University of Vienna)
- Junior Researcher at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
- Internships and Traineeships in law firms and courts
- Since 2022: Doctoral Program in Law (University of Vienna)
- 2022: Master of Business Law tith Distinction (WU Vienna)
- 2022: Bachelor of Business Administration with Distinction (WU Vienna)
- 2020: Bachelor of Business Law with Distinction (WU Vienna)
- Exchange semester- and summer schools at:
- Univsersity of Oxford, Said Business School (Oxford, UK)
- Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Mailand IT)
- Berkeley Executive Institute (Berkeley, California USA)
- Cass Business School (London UK)
Publications in languages other than English are listed in English translation followed by the original language in square brackets.
Articles in Journals
- The Anatomy of Corporate Sustainability Enforcement: A Regulatory Taxonomy and Economic Critique of Corporate Sustainability Enforcement through SFDR, CSRD and CS3D [Die Anatomie der unternehmerischen Nachhaltigkeitsdurchsetzung: Eine Regulierungstaxonomie und rechtsökonomische Kritik zur unternehmerischen Nachhaltigkeitsdurchsetzung durch SFDR, CSRD und CS3D], in preparation
- Liability of the supervisory board in economic turbulence [Zur Haftung des Aufsichtsrats in wirtschaftlicher Turbulenz: Bemerkungen anlässlich 6 Ob 142/23k und 6 Ob 58/20b], upcoming in ZFR (Journal for Financial Market Law) 2025
- The final version of the EU Supply Chain Directive (CS3D): Overview and suggestions for Member State implementation with a focus on private enforcement [Die finale Fassung der EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie (CS3D): Überblick und Anregungen für die mitgliedstaatliche Umsetzung mit Fokus auf die privatrechtliche Durchsetzung], upcoming in Juristische Blätter (JBl) 2025
- The ‘Private Enforcement’ of the EU Supply Chain Directive - a comparative law and legal-economic assessment [Das „Private Enforcement“ der EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie – eine rechtsvergleichende und rechtsökonomische Einordnung], RabelsZ 88 (2024) (with Thomale)
- The New Cross-Border Reorganisation Act - An Introduction (Part I) [Das neue Recht der grenzüberschreitenden Umwandlung – Eine Einführung (Teil I)], NotBZ 2023, 91 -106 (with Thomale)
- The New Cross-Border Reorganisation Act - An Introduction (Part II) [Das neue Recht der grenzüberschreitenden Umwandlung – Eine Einführung (Teil II)], NotBZ 2023, 125- 137 (with Thomale)
Contributions to books (Sammelbänden)
- 5 years European Green Deal: A legal-economic analysis of corporate sustainability enforcement through EU sustainability reporting and the EU Supply Chain Directive [5 Jahre European Green Deal: Eine rechtsökonomische Analyse zur unternehmerischen Nachhaltigkeitsdurchsetzung durch die EU-Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung und EU-Lieferkettenrichtline], upcoming in Baumann/Seller/Winistörfer, Die Vielfalt der Regulierungsinstrumente in der Schweiz: Eine kritische Betrachtung (2025)
- Editing of the topics ‘public companies’ and ‘reorganisation law’ in Thomale/Kandutsch/Ludvik (eds.), Examination Trainer Corporate Law [Bearbeitung der Themengebiete „Aktiengesellschaften" und "Umgründungsrecht“ in Thomale/Kandutsch/Ludvik (Hrsg)], Prüfungstrainer Unternehmensrecht (2024)
- Family offices and investments outside Germany - Austria [Family Offices und Investments außerhalb Deutschlands – Österreich], in Oppel/Jander-McAlister/Bäuml, Beck’sches Handbuch Family Office (with Rendessy/Varro).
- § 1 EU UmgrG (purpose & excursus on the development of cross-border reorganisation law including international private law ) in Schörghofer/Simonishvili/Thomale/Zollner; 35 paragraphs (with Thomale, to be published in 2025)
- § 2 EU UmgrG (definitions) in Schörghofer/Simonishvili/Thomale/Zollner; 27 paragraphs (with Thomale, to be published in 2025)
- § 3 EU UmgrG (Excluded companies & excursus on reorganisations in insolvency) in Schörghofer/Simonishvili/Thomale/Zollner; 70 paragraphs (with Thomale, to be published in 2025)
- § 4 EU UmgrG (competent court) in Schörghofer/Simonishvili/Thomale/Zollner; 25 paragraphs (with Thomale, to be published in 2025)
- § 36 EU UmgrG (review of the exchange ratio) in Schörghofer/Simonishvili/Thomale/Zollner; 96 paragraphs (with Thomale, to be published in 2025)
- § 60 EU UmgrG (review of the division of shares) in Schörghofer/Simonishvili/Thomale/Zollner; 64 paragraphs (with Thomale, to be published in 2025)
Comments on Decisions
- ECJ 25.4.2024 - C-276/22 Edil Work 2, Unlawfulness of general linking the company statute to the domestic centre of activity in immigration cases, ZIP 2024, 1949-1950 (with Soldo) [Unzulässigkeit der allgemeinen Anknüpfung des Gesellschaftsstatuts am inländischen Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt in Zuzugsfällen]
- Sustainability Law in Conflict, Contributions to the 3rd Annual Conference of Young Sustainability Lawyers [Nachhaltigkeitsrecht im Konflikt, Beiträge zur 3. Jahrestagung des Jungen Nachhaltigkeitsrechts], (with Nitsch et al, forthcoming)
- Private Enforcement in the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive — A critical comparative law and economic analysis of the Final Compromise, Oxford Business Law Blog of 22.5.2024 (with Thomale)
- EU Supply Chain Directive: Proper aim, questionable approach [EU-Lieferkettenrichtlinie: Richtiges Ziel, fraglicher Weg], Der Standard 24.04.2024 (with Thomale)
- Donation of property with reservation of a usufructuary right in return for compensation for the substance [Grundstücksschenkung mit Vorbehalt eines Fruchtgenussrechtes gegen Substanzabgeltung], LexisNexis Rechtsnews 29959 of19.11.2020, with Loibl
- Scholarship from the Heinrich Graf Hardegg Foundation for the dissertation project
- Winner of the national finals of the Civil Law Moot Court (Franz von Zeiler Moot Court)
- Merit scholarships for the academic years 2017/2018 - 2018/2019 - 2019/2020
- Multiple mentions on the WU Recotor´s List (Dean List)
- Fellow Advanced Research School in Law and Jurisprudende (Ars Iuris)
- Member of Center of Excellence (51st class)
- Member of WU Top League (13th class)
Doctoral Thesis
Corporate Mobility and Legal Arbitrage through Demergers
International private law, substantive shareholder protection and procedural enforcement in cross-border demergers
Courses in Winter Term 2024/25
030178 KU International Reorganisations and M&A
Courses offered in previous terms
Summer Term 2024
030630 KU Mergers & Acquisitions Contract Competition Moot Court
Winter term 2023/2024
030127 VO In-depth preparation in corporate and company law
030178 KU International Reorganisations and M&A
030180 KU Mergers & Acquisitions Contract Competition Moot Court
Summer term 2023
030178 KU International Reorganisations and M&A
030180 KU Mergers & Acquisitions Contract Competition Moot Court
Working Language, Scientific Interest
- German, English
- Austrian, German, European and International Corporate Law
- International Private Law
- Civil Law, Law of Torts, Causality
- Corporate Social Responsibility, Supply-Chain-Litigation, ESG, Sustainable Finance
- Law & Economics